Announcing Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog Carnival

I’m hosting a new Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog Carnival that is scheduled to be published on September 3rd 2009. Interested Authors blogging on MS Dynamics GP can submit their articles that would be published as part of this Blog Carnival. Being the first carnival, the carnival would be of general subject on MS Dynamics GP. Based on the feedback of this carnival, future carnivals would be hosted. Those who are interested to submit their articles can submit the same using this submit Form. Alternatively, Articles submission can also be sent to my E-mail address below .The end date for submission of articles is August 31st 2009.

As part of the carnival, the links of each article will only be published pointing to the original blog added with a brief summary on each article.

Hope everyone enjoys participating in this event

Happy Blogging
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For those who are quite new to the term ‘Blog Carnival’, Here is a link to know about it.
