Sales Orders Import: Location ID does not exist

While importing sales documents in Dynamics GP through Integration Manager or eConnect, We encounter the following error message.

Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect:  Number = 287  Stored Procedure taIVTransactionLineInsert  :  Description = Location ID/Site ID (TRXLOCTN) does not exist in Site/Location Setup - IV40700

When we see this error, Our immediate focus would be on Quantities/Sites window where the Item number should be assigned to the relevant site ID in import. However, In some cases the integration fails despite assigning the site to the item number. Reason for this error would be due to the presence of Kits. If any of the line items contain Kits and we receive this error, We shall go to the Kit components and check if the components are assigned to the respective sites in import.

In one of my imports earlier, I’ve struggled for 4 hours struggling to find which item was not assigned to the site. After constant trials, I found the problem lies in the kit components. Specially, this proves to be a nightmare when we integrate documents using eConnect destination adapter in Integration Manager or eConnect itself because the eConnect would tell us the problem but it fails to tell us the exact item that is creating this problem unlike Integration Manager Dynamics GP destination adapter which tells exactly which item is creating an issue.